Most neighborhoods in the United States reflect a certain uniformity. As a result of economies of scale utilized by builders as well as local zoning laws requiring a sameness across the neighborhood, house designs throughout each neighborhoods tend to look very much alike!
On the other hand, some people get creative with their homes due to physical or neighborhood restrictions, such as a small or unusual space, while other mavericks create unusual homes simply for the satisfaction of being different.
In an article on, Staff Writer “Tom” (I could find no other biographical information) chose what he believed to be the Top Ten Most Unusual Homes in the World. I’ve reposted those few I found to be most unique:
If you say you have nothing to hide, try spending a few nights in the steel-framed transparent house located in Tokyo, Japan. Built by Sou Fujimoto Architects, this 914 square-foot house offers plenty of daylight, yet very little privacy.
The Keret House located in Warsaw, Poland, might just be the slimmest house in the world. Inserted between two existing buildings, this house measures only 92 to 152 centimeters in width! This home is certainly cozy and likely boasts a small carbon footprint. However, don’t expect to host holiday dinners with your family!
This one-of-a kind house in Malibu, California is a real-world version of the Flintstone’s home from the classic 60′s cartoon. Once owned by Dick Clark, this home has one bedroom and two bathrooms, a fireplace and several large glass windows offering views of city lights and sunsets as well as Serrano Valley, the Boney Mountains, the Channel Islands and the Pacific Ocean.
Built in 2006, this giant seashell house is located in Mexico City. It features a smooth front facade met with a giant wall of colored mosaics, lighting up the living space in a stunning rainbow effect.
Warren Goldberg is President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, a Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist®, and a published author. His interviews include Blog-Talk Radio, Newsday, The Daily News, Anton Press, and the Long Island Herald. Since 1992, he’s been sharing his financial knowledge and wealth-building strategies, including how to properly use your mortgage as a financial tool. His clients regularly express their trust and appreciation by recommending friends and family call when in need of mortgage, real estate, and financial guidance.
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