(Originally published March 21, 2010.) Everything seems to be going smoothly. The purchase contracts were signed. The mortgage was approved. The closing is scheduled. Then you get the call that the …
More Lenders Busted Under FHA Crackdown
(Originally published February 21, 2010.) On January 26, 2010, The FHA stepped up enforcement actions, essentially shutting down six mortgage lenders by immediately and permanently revoking their …
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When Banks Compete, You LOSE. Stick With The Pros.
I originally published the article below in January 2011. Yet the message is as relevant today as it was back then. Mortgage borrowers continue in their attempts to “shop around” for the lowest rates …
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Why Use a QUALIFIED Mortgage Planner? Ask This Client!
(Originally published October 10, 2009.) Scenario: First Time Buyer purchasing a condo. Good Income. Good Credit. All around strong borrower. But he needs a $570,000 mortgage and 85% …
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